Shreveport Maternity Photographer

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Hayley, Eden + JJ. A Breastfeeding Session by Leslie Whitaker

Hayley has done a few breastfeeding sessions with me. The first when Eden was turning one, the second shortly after JJ was born and now her third to celebrate one year of breastfeeding JJ.

Check out my favorites from each of her sessions, and read about her experiences too.

  • Why did you choose to breastfeed your children?

    The semi funny answer? I’m lazy. I didn’t want to wash bottles or wake up in the middle of the night to boil water especially when I could just lift my shirt up! The real answer? I love getting to share something special with my child knowing that it’s time that no one else can replicate.

  • How long did you breastfeed Eden, and how long have you been breastfeeding JJ?

    I breastfed Eden until she was 15 months old which included pumping at work every day for about 8 months. I have been breastfeeding JJ for 12 months so far! I also had to pump for about 8 months at work but he wouldn’t take bottles so I donated a good bit of that milk.

  • Have you encountered any setbacks or issues on your breastfeeding journey?

    I have been so blessed in not having any major setbacks during breastfeeding. My children did have reflux as infants so it was frustrating in the newborn stage that my milk flowed too quickly that it would prompt spit up.

  • Have you experienced any negative feedback when breastfeeding in public?

    I am so happy that no one has ever made a comment to me about feeding my children but there definitely is an obvious reaction to feeding without a cover. JJ HATES covers of any type and if I ever tried to cover him, he would proudly show the goods to the public! It’s almost like he was telling people, “If you’re gonna stare, take a good look!”

  • Please leave a little encouragement for other mothers who are breastfeeding, those that aren't, or those that are struggling with their choice to breastfeed or not.

    My encouragement for other mothers would be... do what feels right for you! Years from now you won’t revel in the fact that you breastfed or formula fed. You’ll remember what it took to keep your baby healthy! Was it the breast massages, the hours of pumping, the number of bottles you made? No... all of that boils down to the same thing: you, as a mother, did whatever it took to take care of your child and you did it no matter what it took out of you emotionally, physically and mentally!